Windows 7 is Dying
Windows 7 is dying! Hello business owners, my name is Luis Rivera from Nocturnal Technologies and I want to talk about Windows 7 going away On January 14 2020. That is the day that Microsoft said no more Windows 7, they will not be releasing any more updates, any patches, any hot fixes or anything to that matter.
Now, that doesn't mean that your computers will stop working, what it actually means is you will have your computers be vulnerable to cyber threats, because there will be no more updates, hot fixes so on and so forth.
Now, if you're still running Windows 7 in your infrastructure, in your office you need to start creating a plan right now so that way you're prepared when that date rolls around in January of 2020, and over the next few videos over the next few days, I'm going to be talking a little bit more about how to go and create that plan.
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